Honors and Recognitions

  1. Plenary talk: "Understanding Complex Systems" Urbana Champaign [2005, 2006, 2007]
  2. Invited by publisher (Routledge): Cover Page Review for the book Philosophy and Computing by Luciano Floridi [1999]
  3. Plenary opening talk: "IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks", Washington D.C [1996]
  4. The Alon Fellowship of Excellence of the Israeli National Committee for Higher Education (full salary and all expenses) [1994-1997]
  5. Rutgers Doctoral Fellowship of Excellence [1990, 1991]
  6. State of Israel Best undergraduate medal [1984]
  7. Artist Certificate in Piano from the Rubin Conservatory [1982]
  8. National public Radio, Medical Breakthroughs, United Press International, and more, describing Dr. Siegelmann's work on Jetlag Sept 2006 [more details here]
  9. PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE: The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News Number 670 January 22, 2004 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and James Riordon chose to describe Dr. Siegelmann's work on Gene Networks and Computation [more details here]
  10. EE-Times (November 1998) 4 page article was devoted to reporting Dr. Siegelmann's work on Analog computing [more details here]
  11. The book "Philosophy and Computing: An Introduction" Floridi, 1999, describes Dr. Siegelmann's work and implications
  12. The famous book by Simon Haykin "Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation" 1998, describes Dr. Siegelmann's three theorems as foundations of the neural network field
  13. Daily Telegraph (May 5th, 1995, p. 16) - on Super-Turing
  14. Inside R&D (May 17, 1995, Vol. 24, No. 20, p.7). on Neural Networks
  15. American Scientist "The Science of Computing: Genetic Algorithm" (Jan-Feb 1992, p.12- 14) by Peter Denning describes Dr. Siegelmann's research on multi-valued genetic algorithms and their practical use in distributed information systems